Wedding planning
A wedding is one of the most beautiful holidays because it marks the beginning of a new family and endless happiness, being able to grow old with your soul mate.
We are here to help you create this holiday without much hassle. Offer reliable suppliers, point in the right direction and make your dreams come true.

Wedding coordinating
This event is for you and about you, so you shouldn’t worry if your aunt forgot to pick up the bridal bouquet. We can be with you all day. In the event of any crisis on your wedding day, we will find a solution to fix it and you won’t even notice it.
Wedding decorating
Pagal vestuvių tematiką, lokaciją ir pasirinktas erdves, padėsime sukurti vestuvių įvaizdį. Paruošime “Mood Board“ (vestuvių dekoro vizualizaciją), atrinksime spalvų paletę, floristiką, dekoro detales. Taip sukursime vienos stilistikos, skoningą, vientisą, vestuvių įvaizdį ir jį įgivendinsime.